Our Mission.

A New Dawn Incorporated is a grassroots community-based  program located in the Mill Creek-Parkside section of West Philadelphia focusing on reducing community violence involving youth and adults by building capacity and resilience while supporting families by providing information, education, and fostering engagement among neighbors and residents of Mill Creek-Parkside. We empower our youth by addressing stress and trauma by using training through mentorship, teaching and incorporating how to maintain our garden and greenhouse, and growing fruits and vegetables. Our mission is to rehabilitate young people and empower them to reserve public safety and neighborhood preservation. 


Our Cause

It’s not a surprise that our youth are traumatized and there are higher rates of violence in our community-when looking at the Mill Creek-Parkside community we see random garbage, thick graffiti, dilapidated and abandoned houses, bars on doors and windows, and locks everywhere. The life expectancy of the residents of Mill Creek-Parkside is lower than the Philadelphia average by 7%. According to the Close to Home Data, for every 10,000 people in the Mill Creek-Parkside neighborhood, over 168 people are involved in violent crime and about 4 people were murdered. With a population of 33,549, this would equate to about 500 people in Mill Creek-Parkside being involved in a violent crime and 12 people were victims of homicide. A New Dawn Incorporated supports our youth and families by encouraging positive activities, support stress and trauma reduction, and building resilience while establishing neighborhood preservation tactics and community pride.